Cách Mở 1 Project Trong Visual Studio


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In this article, we"ll show you how khổng lồ quickly create a new project in Visual Studio from a template.

Open the New Project page in Visual Studio 2017

There are multiple ways khổng lồ create a new project in Visual Studio 2017. On the Start page, you can type in the name of a project template in the Search project templates box or select the Create new project links to open the New Project dialog box. Aside from the Start page, you can also select File > New > Project on the thực đơn bar or select the New Project button on the toolbar.

New > Project options selected." data-linktype="relative-path">

Select a template type in Visual Studio 2017

In the New Project dialog box, available project templates appear in a list under the Templates category. Templates are organized by programming language và project type, such as Visual C#, JavaScript, & Azure Data Lake.



The menu of available languages & project templates that appears depends on the version of Visual Studio you are running & the workloads that are installed. To learn about how khổng lồ install additional workloads, see Modify Visual Studio by adding or removing workloads và components.

Show the list of templates for the programming language you want lớn use by selecting the triangle next khổng lồ the language name and then choosing a project category (such as Windows Desktop).

The following image shows the project templates available for Visual C# .NET Core projects:


Configure your project in Visual Studio 2017

Enter a name for the new project in the Name box. You can save the project in the default location on your computer or select the Browse button to lớn find another location. You can also select a solution name or add the new project khổng lồ a Git repository (by selecting Add lớn Source Control).

Select OK to lớn create the solution & project.

mở cửa the "Create a new project" dialog

There are multiple ways to lớn create a new project in Visual Studio. When you first open Visual Studio, the start window appears, & from there, you can select Create a new project.


If the Visual Studio development environment is already open, you can create a new project by choosing File > New > Project on the menu bar. You can also select the New Project button on the toolbar, or press Ctrl+Shift+N.


Open the "Create a new project" dialog

There are multiple ways to create a new project in Visual Studio. When you first open Visual Studio, the start window appears, & from there, you can select Create a new project.


If the Visual Studio development environment is already open, you can create a new project by choosing File > New > Project on the thực đơn bar. You can also select the New Project button on the toolbar, or press Ctrl+Shift+N.


Select a template type

On the Create a new project dialog, a danh mục of your recently selected templates appears on the left. The templates are sorted by most recently used.

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If you"re not selecting from the recently used templates, you can filter all available project templates by Language (for example, C# or C++), Platform (for example, Windows or Azure), & Project type (for example, Desktop or Web). You can also enter tìm kiếm text inlớn the search box to lớn further filter the templates, for example, asp.net.


The tags that appear under each template correspond to lớn the three dropdown filters (Language, platkhung, và project type).


If you don"t see the template you"re looking for, you might be missing a workload for Visual Studio. To install additional workloads, for example, Azure Development or mobile Development with .NET, select the Install more tools và features link to open Visual Studio Installer. From there, select the workloads you want khổng lồ install, và then select Modify. After that, additional project templates will be available lớn choose from.



The tags that appear under each template correspond khổng lồ the three dropdown filters (Language, platform, and project type).


If you don"t see the template you"re looking for, you might be missing a workload for Visual Studio. To install additional workloads, for example, Azure Development or Mobile Development with .NET, select the Install more tools and features links khổng lồ open Visual Studio Installer. From there, select the workloads you want lớn install, và then select Modify. After that, additional project templates will be available lớn choose from.


Configure your new project

The Configure your new project dialog has options to name your project (& solution), select a disk location, & select a Framework version (if applicable to the template you chose).



If you create a new project when you already have sầu a project or solution open in Visual Studio, an extra configuration option is available. You can choose to lớn create a new solution or add the new project khổng lồ the solution that"s already open.


Configure your new project

The Configure your new project dialog has options lớn name your project (và solution), select a disk location, and more.


The Additional information dialog includes options to select a Framework version, an authentication type, & more.


Select Create to lớn create the new project.

Add additional projects khổng lồ a solution

If you want khổng lồ add an additional project to a solution, right-clichồng the solution node in Solution Explorer và then select Add > New Project.

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For an example of a project and solution created from scratch, complete with step-by-step instructions & sample code, see Introduction to projects and solutions.