Cách Chuyển File Word Sang Pdf Trên Macbook


If you want your document khổng lồ be read but not edited, you can save sầu it as a PDF tệp tin. When you vày, the PDF will retain your formatting and often be a smaller tệp tin than the original document. Tagged PDF files make it easier for screen readers & other assistive technologies khổng lồ determine a logical reading order and navigation for the file, as well as allowing for content reflow when using large type displays, personal digital assistants (PDAs), and điện thoại phones. This tagging can be done automatically when you save sầu a tệp tin as PDF format.

Save sầu your document as a tagged PDF

On the File menu, cliông xã Save As. Or, you can also save a tệp tin by clicking the Save ibé in the ribbon.

Bạn đang xem: Cách chuyển file word sang pdf trên macbook


In the Save sầu As box, type a name for the file.


Give the PDF a different name than the original document. That way, you"ll have two files: a Word document you can continue lớn edit and a PDF file you can share.

If you don"t change the name, your document will be converted lớn a PDF and you won"t be able khổng lồ change it baông chồng without using specialized software or a third-tiệc nhỏ add-in.

In the File Format box, cliông chồng PDF.

Xem thêm: Cách Chơi Bịt Mắt Bắt Dê ', Bịt Mắt Bắt Dê

Clichồng Export.

Thư điện tử a PDF copy of your document from Word

You can send a PDF copy of your document directly from Word.

On the File thực đơn, clichồng Share > Send PDF. Word will create a PDF tệp tin & attach it khổng lồ a new gmail message.

Xem thêm: Cách Khắc Phục Thẻ Nhớ Bị Lỗi, Cách Sửa Lỗi Thẻ Nhớ Sd Bị Hỏng, Không Đọc Được

See also

For information about saving documents as PDFs in other versions of topgamedanhbai.com Word, go lớn Save as PDF.

Create accessible PDFs khổng lồ learn more about tagged PDFs


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